African, African-American, Caribbean, Cinema, Postcolonial 23 Aug 2023 Cinema of the Black Atlantic – Syllabus AASD350 - Wednesdays 2-4:30 - fall semester 2023 This course (syllabus: HERE) examines the cinema of the black Atlantic world… John Drabinski
African, African-American, Caribbean, Postcolonial 01 Feb 2022 On the Fecundity of Small Places Here is the pre-print of my essay "On the Fecundity of Small Places," due out in a volume Africana Studies: Theoretical… John Drabinski
African-American, Teaching 22 Aug 2021 Seminar on James Baldwin: A Syllabus Here is the syllabus for my fall 2021 course on James Baldwin, which focuses exclusively on his non-fiction work. The… John Drabinski
African-American, Caribbean, Glissant, Middle Passage 25 Feb 2021 Conversation with J. Kameron Carter on Glissant and the Middle Passage The Hutchins Center at Harvard University posted the recording of my conversation with J. Kameron Carter about my book Glissant… John Drabinski
African-American, Caribbean, Conquest, Latin America, Middle Passage, Teaching 24 Jan 2021 Syllabus: Imagining ‘the Americas’ Here is a final draft version of the syllabus for my S'21 course "Imagining 'the Americas.'" The course engages the… John Drabinski
African, African-American, Caribbean, Essay Drafts, Glissant, Postcolonial 03 Dec 2020 DRAFT: On the Fecundity of Small Places Here is a draft of an essay entitled "On the Fecundity of Small Places," which I've written for a volume… John Drabinski
African-American, Courses, Teaching Angela Davis with her lawyer Leo Branton, Jr. 07 Sep 2020 Seminar on Angela Davis I'm posting HERE a copy of my syllabus for a course on Angela Davis' work. The course follows a largely… John Drabinski
African-American, Music Film Culture, Teaching No Merchandising. Editorial Use Only. No Book Cover Usage. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Universal/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock (5884871ae) Spike Lee Do The Right Thing - 1989 Director: Spike Lee Universal USA On/Off Set Drama 29 Apr 2020 Pedagogies of/in Isolation I’m sure people who teach film exclusively or near-exclusively have layered techniques for guiding discussion and orienting people properly toward… John Drabinski
African-American, Essay Drafts 05 Apr 2020 DRAFT: Richard Wright and His Anxious Influence Here is a draft of my essay entitled "Richard Wright and His Anxious Influence: On Ellison and Baldwin," a reflection… John Drabinski
African-American, Teaching 27 Feb 2020 Syllabus for Spike Lee’s Joints Here is the syllabus for my spring 2020 course Spike Lee's Joints. The course studies select Lee films in a… John Drabinski No Comments