African, African-American, Caribbean, Cinema, Postcolonial 23 Aug 2023 Cinema of the Black Atlantic – Syllabus AASD350 - Wednesdays 2-4:30 - fall semester 2023 This course (syllabus: HERE) examines the cinema of the black Atlantic world… John Drabinski
African, African-American, Caribbean, Postcolonial 01 Feb 2022 On the Fecundity of Small Places Here is the pre-print of my essay "On the Fecundity of Small Places," due out in a volume Africana Studies: Theoretical… John Drabinski
African, Postcolonial 08 Feb 2021 New Translation: Mbembe’s Out of the Dark Night I’m so happy the translation of Sortir de la grande nuit is out (with another essay included). This is probably… John Drabinski
Caribbean, Essay Drafts, European, Postcolonial 07 Dec 2020 DRAFT: Citing and Siting the Afropostmodern: Lyotard and the Black Atlantic Here is a draft of a new essay on the afropostmodern, in which I refer to parts of Jean-François Lyotard's… John Drabinski
African, African-American, Caribbean, Essay Drafts, Glissant, Postcolonial 03 Dec 2020 DRAFT: On the Fecundity of Small Places Here is a draft of an essay entitled "On the Fecundity of Small Places," which I've written for a volume… John Drabinski
African, African-American, Caribbean, European, Middle Passage, Postcolonial 28 Apr 2019 ReBIT19 – Pessimism as Interpretative Frame The second annual symposium under the rubric Re-Thinking the Black Intellectual Tradition was held on March 30th, 2019. We gathered… John Drabinski No Comments
African, African-American, Caribbean, European, Postcolonial, The Profession, Uncategorized, White-American 13 May 2016 Philosophy, Decolonization, #NotAllWhites When I posted this response to Garfield and Van Norden’s piece to my site, I figured it was a small… John Drabinski 2 Comments
African-American, European, Postcolonial, The Profession, White-American 11 May 2016 Diversity, “Neutrality,” Philosophy I was really happy to read a new opinion piece by Jay Garfield and Bryan Van Norden in The New… John Drabinski 24 Comments
African-American, Postcolonial 25 Jun 2014 Spivak on Du Bois and Black Reconstruction Here is a snippet from an interview with Gayatri Spivak. The interview as a whole is very interesting, touching on… John Drabinski 1 Comment
African, Postcolonial 17 Jan 2014 Memory of Lumumba Today, 17 January, is the anniversary of the assassination of Patrice Lumumba in 1961. Saying it is the 53rd anniversary… John Drabinski No Comments